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Applied Meteorology Services
Tailored Weather Intelligence
Atmospheric Research and Application Development
ApMet Background
ApMet, LLC was founded in 2004 to provide meteorological analysis and forecast services during the annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (AIBF), including both the hot air ballooning event and the America's Challenge gas ballooning event.  ApMet has also provided weather safety presentations and training during periodic ballooning flight safety seminars.  Since 2004 ApMet has partnered with other small businesses providing the United States Department of Defense with meteorological products and services, including working on Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) projects.  ApMet has also provided detailed meteorology / climatology analyses and reports, including depositions and expert testimony, for legal trials.

ApMet has extensive experience in atmospheric modeling, and specifically with the application of numerical weather prediction information for solving specialized problems.  One area of ApMet specialization is understanding the atmospheric impacts to directed energy (laser) applications--namely atmospheric optical turbulence and cirrus clouds.

The strengths of ApMet services are rooted in listening to your specific need, conducting thorough research using the extensive amount of meteorological data avaialble, and tailoring an application, analysis or report to your specialized situation.  "Tailored Weather Intelligence" means giving you the weather information you need, when you need it, and being available to answer your weather questions so you can make informed decisions.

ApMet understands there are numerous meteorological consulting firms available to you, and there is more weather data on-line than you could possibly analyze.  The key to success is knowing what meteorological data is right for your application and turning that data into actionable intelligence.  With ApMet you get integrity and honesty in all apects of our company services.